Home » Tricks to Get Through to California Unemployment
Tricks to Get Through to California Unemployment
If you have a reason to contact California's Unemployment offices, you probably know this is no simple task.
Fortunately, there are other lesser known, and LESS BUSY phone lines available to anyone that knows them and knows how to use them.
This site will walk you through everything you need to know to get through to EDD today!
Posted by out smart em, this latest trick appears to be a direct line to people that can answer questions at the California Employment Development Department (EDD). We have already seen positive feedback and believe this method will continue to bring more success. Be sure to thank out smart em if this method brings you success. In order to measure the success of this new method, please answer the poll question at the bottom of this post. Here is out smart em's comment and the direct line phone number:
Thanks again to all who have left comments regarding your experience trying to get through to California EDD. It seems their normal English line will always be busy, so it becomes necessary to find other means of getting through. One of the comments on the List Your Tricks page seems to be another valid method provided by Jeff H for getting through to EDD, using a different phone number than the one in my original post. For this reason, I have decided to post it here and wish success to all who try it.
Here's the trick that has worked for several others on this site: Thank you to all who have left comments regarding your experience trying to get through to California EDD. The comments section has clearly proven that Anna's method for getting through is also an effective way to get a live person. As a result, I think it deserves its own post on this website.
Here's the trick that has worked for many... Finally found a trick that worked to get through to the California EDD after weeks of trying.4/18/2012 On Wednesday, April 18, 2012, I got through to EDD using one of the tricks I found online.
Here are the steps I took. I hope they work for you like they did for me: 1. Call EDD on their Vietnamese line at (800) 547-2058... I know I'm not the only one who can't get through to the CA Unemployment Department by phone. If you have any tips or tricks, please respond here so that people like me that have been trying to get through to them for weeks have a chance. |